5 Social Media Lead Generation Strategies You Must Try Out

Update date : 26 May 2022 | 5 Min Read

How do you generate leads through social media? What are some of the things you should consider before starting a campaign?

If content is king then social media is queen.  Social Media Marketing (SMM) has become a powerful tool for businesses looking to reach their target audience. The challenge lies in generating quality traffic to your site.

Thanks to social media, you now have more opportunities than ever before to reach a wide range of new audiences and attract the leads you need to boost your bottom line.

If developing growth strategies and implementing them were the hard part, acquiring relevant leads would be the cakewalk on the obstacle course.

It might take some time but using social media effectively will make all of the difference in netting new sales leads. There are several ways to generate leads through social media. In this article, we’ll share the top 5 strategies for generating leads through social media.

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What Is Social Media Lead Generation?

Social media lead generation involves gathering new leads through social media. It is one of the best places to generate leads for your business, regardless of whether you’re operating in the B2C or B2B arena. Think of social media as the platform to amplify your lead generation X 100.

This gives you the leverage you need to turn social media into a lead generation powerhouse. Generating leads through social media is a great option. You may ask why?

Unlike other marketing channels, it’s available 24/7 and can be tailored to fit your brand’s unique personality. It’s also a great place to build your brand awareness and reach new audiences, while also providing a platform for you to offer industry-related content.

Strategies to Generate Leads Through Social Media

Ready to hear them? Let's go!

1. Reel them in with effective lead magnets

The right lead generation intention can persuade even the toughest visitor to share their information with you. One of the best ways to do this is to offer a “free” piece of valuable content in exchange for their information.

This might sound like a lot of work, but there are plenty of tools you can use to build high-quality lead magnets with minimal effort.

As long as your lead magnets are designed to deliver maximum value to your readers, they’ll be hungry to share their information with you.

2. Running contest/quizzes

Running a contest on social media is a great way to promote your product. While many may think that contests have become overused the fact of the matter is that they still work well to this day. When you run a contest on social media, you have the opportunity to reach a large audience for very little cost.

The most obvious benefit of running a contest is the number of leads it can generate. When people enter a contest, they are usually providing their contact information so that they can be contacted by the company running the contest.

Contest source: Food Network

This means that the company can use the leads generated by the contest to market its products or services to the people who entered.

The other benefit of running a contest is that the people who enter can share it with others. It helps you get in front of a lot of people who may not have come to your website otherwise.

One red flag of running costs through social media is the influx of irrelevant leads. However, it can be taken care of via lead management and lead nurturing.

3. Targeted ads with exclusive offers

Promoting content on social media through paid advertising is a highly effective means of generating leads. With these ads, you can target your audience based on their interests and location with hyper-specific keywords for ad targeting.

Try offering content that is specially created for these audiences, as well as additional exclusive products and services through paid social ads.

You can also try offering discounts on specific products or services or past successful projects to generate traffic to your social channels.

Image source: Skillshare

4. Social media sponsorships

Be brave and go the extra mile to stand out! You can launch social media initiatives that reach right into the heart of your target audience's interests.

Promote sponsored campaigns or events instead of paid ads, and work with content creators to direct them towards your brand or service.

You could also see who is talking about you or fit a package deal to become a sponsor of some exciting new content platform.

As compared to simple ads, content creators and influencers have long been recognized as the most highly credible source.

In fact, their opinions are so trustworthy in terms of gaining the trust factor for not just their personal brand but also for any brands about whom they create content.

5. Customer testimonials go a long way

You’ve likely heard the saying, “The best salesperson is satisfied customer.” This is true. The more satisfied they are with your products and services, the better.

When your satisfied customers share their experiences online, they become your most powerful advocates.

Not only do their online reviews and testimonials help attract new customers, but they also help current customers feel confident in their decisions and build a sense of trust between you and your customers. The more real and authentic your customer testimonials, the better chance your leads have of converting into sales.

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Krunal Shah
Article by
Krunal Shah

Having worked on numerous challenging projects in the fields of social businesses, the automotive sector, and education, Krunal has over 10 years of expertise in the IT industry.

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